When you check out with an order for film processing for Film Supply Club, you may notice a charge for shipping. That charge will reflect if you have chosen to have your negatives and/or prints returned to you, which we always recommend you do!
The lab requires you to mail your film to us with a method of your choosing.
After your order is placed, you will receive an email with an invoice. Print out the order invoice and place it in a ziplock bag with your film. This is essential for helping the lab efficiently track your order.
To mail your film to Film Supply Club's lab, choose a sturdy box with structural integrity (we do not recommend shipping film in a padded envelope as it may become crushed or torn in transit) and mail it to:
Film Supply Club -- The Lab
135 North 5th Street
Reading, PA 19601
United States
We find that USPS small flat rate boxes (which you can pick up for free from your local USPS store) neatly accommodate the dimensions of 35mm film canisters but you should use the method that works best for you. We recommend shipping your film with tracking.
Please note that you will need to add the processing "item" to your cart for every distinct combination of services you require. For example, if you mail in four rolls of 35mm film for process and scan consisting of three rolls of black and white film plus one roll of slide film, here is what you would do:
1) Click through to the 35mm process and scan item, select 35mm and black and white for film type, and toggle up to quantity 3, add to cart
2) Remain on the page and reset the conditions to reflect slide film for film type (you will see the price change to reflect E-6 processing), toggle back down to quantity 1 and click add to cart
You are now ready to check out with four rolls reflecting the different options and appropriate pricing.
After your order processing is complete, you will receive an emailed link to your scanned images, and/or an envelope with your processing negatives or slides.
Start your order
shop film and cameras
We are constantly on the hunt for the best film cameras to keep the shop stocked with options for you. If you ever need help deciding on a new camera or have questions about the lab, please reach out - support@filmsupply.club
By tendering your film for processing to Film Supply Club, you agree to hold harmless Film Supply Club for any errors during processing that might lead to the loss of your film, or any loss of revenue from the loss of your images if they are a paid assignment. Film Supply Club will make every effort to take care of your film and occasionally there may be technical breakdowns and malfunctions we cannot control. Film Supply Club will only be responsible for the replacement value of your film, if your film is damaged in processing. Additionally, if your film is lost or damaged in return shipment, a claim cannot exceed the value of your order. If you do not agree to these terms, do not mail us your film. Mailing us your film means you agree.