Maxell LR44 alkaline 1.5V battery
The Maxell LR44 1.5V battery is sold in sets of 2.
The photo shows a card of 10 batteries, which is how we receive them from the manufacturer. You will receive the number of sets of 2 batteries that you put in your card (i.e., if you put "qty 2" in your cart, we will send you 4 batteries).
This camera battery was used in many 1970s-era 35mm SLRs. Many of those older cameras have manuals that might specify the SR44, S-76, EPX-76 (all of which are silver oxide), or A-76. Many, but not all, of those cameras require two of this battery. Consult your manual! Some popular cameras that take this battery include the Minolta X700 and most manual focus Nikons such as the Nikon FE and the Nikon FM through the F3.
Many camera manuals only have older names for the batteries, dating back to the mercury era. You are also welcome to email us at support@filmsupply.club if you're having trouble figuring out which battery your camera needs.